ETF Reviews and Mutual Fund Reviews List

Here is a complete listing of ETF Reviews and Mutual Reviews we’ve done so far on Picture Perfect Portfolios in alphabetical order.

We’ll continue to update this list as we complete fund reviews over an extended period of time.

We plan to especially cover alternative ETFs such as managed futures, absolute return hedge funds, long-short equity, multi-asset class, multi-strategy and market neutral to name just a few.

We’ll also highlight mainstream ETFs as well.

If you have any suggestions for ETF reviews you’d like to see us cover please be sure to let us know.

ETF Reviews and Mutual Fund Reviews | List Of Fund Reviews On Picture Perfect Portfolios

ETF Reviews and Mutual Fund Reviews | List Of Fund Reviews

Our first section is for ETF reviews:

ETF Reviews

ETF Reviews

ALTL – Pacer Lunt Large Cap Alternator ETF
AVGE – Avantis All Equity Markets ETF
AVUV – Avantis US Small Cap Value ETF
BTAL – AGFiQ US Market Neutral Anti-Beta Fund ETF
COWZ – US Pacer Cash Cows 100 ETF
CTA – CTA Simplify Managed Futures Strategy ETF
DBMF – iMGP DBi Managed Futures Strategy ETF
DBMF vs KMLM vs CTA – What’s The Best Managed Futures ETF?
FEMS – First Trust Emerging Markets Small Cap AlphaDEX® Fund ETF
FIG – Simplify Macro Strategy ETF
FRDM – Freedom 100 Emerging Markets ETF
GAA – Cambria Global Asset Allocation ETF
GDE – WisdomTree Efficient Gold Plus Equity Strategy ETF
GDMN – WisdomTree Efficient Gold Plus Gold Miners Strategy ETF
HCMT – Direxion HCM Tactical Enhanced US ETF
HRAA.TO – Horizons ReSolve Adaptive Asset Allocation ETF
KMLM – KFA Mount Lucas Index Strategy ETF
LBAY – Leatherback Long-Short Alternative Yield ETF
MOAT – VanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF
MTUM – iShares MSCI USA Momentum Factor ETF Review
NTSX – WisdomTree US Efficient Core Fund
ONEC.TO – Accelerate OneChoice Alternative Portfolio ETF (Canadian ETF)
PFAA.TO – Picton Mahoney Fortified Alpha Alternative ETF (Canadian ETF) / Picton Mahoney Absolute Alpha Mutual Fund
QBTL.TO – AGFiQ US Market Neutral Anti-Beta Fund ETF
QUAL – iShares MSCI USA Quality Factor ETF
QVAL – Alpha Architect U.S. Quantitative Value ETF
RAYE – Rayliant Quantamental Emerging Market Equity ETF
ROMO – Strategy Shares Newfound/ReSolve Robust Momentum ETF
RPAR – RPAR Risk Parity ETF
RSBT – Return Stacked Bonds & Managed Futures ETF
RSSB – Return Stacked Global Stocks & Bonds ETF
RSST – Return Stacked U.S. Stocks & Managed Futures
SPD – Simplify US Equity PLUS Downside Convexity ETF
SPGP – Invesco S&P 500 GARP ETF
TYA – Simplify Intermediate Term Treasury Futures Strategy ETF
USMV – iShares MSCI USA Min Vol Factor ETF Review
UPAR – Evoke Ultra Risk Parity ETF
VAMO – Cambria Value and Momentum ETF
VBR – Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETF
VTV – Vanguard Value ETF
ZIG – The Acquirers Fund ETF

MUTUAL FUND Reviews - digital art


AOFT – Auspice One Fund Trust (Fund Code: ACA301) *Canadian Fund*
BLNDX – REMIX – Standpoint Multi-Asset Fund
DSEEX – DoubleLine Shiller Enhanced Cape Fund
FCNTX – Fidelity Contrafund Mutual Fund
MAFIX – Abbey Capital Multi Asset Fund
MBXIX – Catalyst/Millburn Hedge Strategy Fund
NFDIX – Newfound Risk Managed US Growth Mutual Fund
PIC 1351 – Picton Mahoney Absolute Alpha Fund (Canadian Mutual Fund)
PSLDX – PIMCO StocksPLUS Long Duration Fund
QDSIX – AQR Diversifying Strategies Fund
QLEIX – AQR Long-Short Equity Fund
QSPIX – AQR Style Premia Alternative Fund
RDMIX – Rational ReSolve Adaptive Asset Allocation Fund

Strategy Behind The Fund: Interview With The Fund Creator - Digital Art

Strategy Behind The Fund: Interview With The Fund Creator

ABCS – Alpha Blue Capital US Small-Mid Cap Dynamic ETF
AGGH – Simplify Aggregate Bond ETF
ARB – Accelerate Arbitrage Fund
ATSX – Accelerate Enhanced Canadian Benchmark Alternative Fund
BLNDX – Standpoint Multi-Asset Fund
BOXX – Alpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF
BPLSX – Boston Partners Long/Short Equity Fund
CAOS – Alpha Architect Tail Risk ETF
Cockroach Portfolio – The Cockroach Portfolio
CRDT – Simplify Opportunistic Income ETF
CTA – Simplify Managed Futures Strategy ETF
DSCF – The Discipline Fund
EQLS – Simplify Market Neutral Equity Long/Short ETF
HARD – Simplify Commodities Strategy No K-1 ETF
HDGE – Accelerate Absolute Return Hedge Fund ETF
HEQT – Simplify Hedged Equity ETF
ITAN – Sparkline Intangible Value ETF
KMLM – KFA Mount Lucas Managed Futures Index Strategy
KNGS – Upholdings Compound Kings ETF
MBOX – Freedom Day Dividend ETF
MOOD – Relative Sentiment Tactical Allocation ETF
MTBA – Simplify MBS ETF
MYLD – Cambria Micro & SmallCap Shareholder Yield ETF
NSPL – NightShares 500 1x/1.5x ETF
NSPY – NightShares 500 ETF
ONEC – Accelerate OneChoice Alternative Portfolio ETF
ORFN – Constrained Capital ESG Orphans
PFIX – Simplify Interest Rate Hedge ETF
PJAN – U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF: January Series
QIS – Simplify Multi-QIS Alternative ETF
QMOM – Alpha Architect U.S. Quantitative Momentum ETF
REMIX – Standpoint Multi-Assest Fund
RSBT – Return Stacked Bonds & Managed Futures ETF
RSSB – Return Stacked Global Stocks & Bonds ETF
RSST – Return Stacked U.S. Stocks & Managed Futures ETF
RSSY – Return Stacked U.S. Stocks & Futures Yield ETF
SPQ – Simplify US Equity PLUS QIS ETF
SVOL – Simplify Volatility Premium ETF
TUA – Simplify Short Term Treasury Futures Strategy ETF
VWI – Arch Indices VOI Absolute Income ETF VWI

Review Of Funds, ETFs and Strategies - Digital Art


Picture Perfect Portfolios 2.0 – Official Site Portfolios (6 Original + 2 Enhanced Classic + 2 Alternative)

My DIY Quant Portfolio | How I Invest My Money – Nomadic Samuel’s Portfolio
Nomadic Samuel Portfolio: How I Invest – My Portfolio Behind-The-Scenes
Return Stacked 60/40 – Return Stacking 60/40
The Cockroach Portfolio4 Quadrant Diversification
The Dragon Portfolio – 5 Asset Classes For All Economic Regimes
The Defender Portfolio – 3 ETF Defensive Expanded Canvas Allocation
The Weird Portfolio
 – Stocks + REITS + Bonds + Alternatives 

Our goal is to hopefully review over 100 ETFs in the near future.

We’re always seeking interesting recommendations if you think we’ve missed something you’d to see us cover.